QQI updates documents for applications for validation


QQI has recently updated the suite of templates and guidance documents available on our website for all those preparing applications for validation.  

This follows significant engagement with stakeholders at the draft stage, which has led to the removal of unnecessary or duplicate questions and allowed us to reduce the amount of documentation required for smaller programmes.  It has also facitated more up to date and thorough explanations of what is being asked for in preparation for evaluation against the validation criteria.  

The Toolkits sections of the Validation pages on our website  (see HET, FET CAS, FET non-CAS) have been updated to include:

  • updated descriptor templates 
  • much fuller guidance documents, each related to a particular descriptor template
  • a single, simplified template for self-evaluation reports
  • streamlined templates for small programmes (microcredentials*)  
  • a Glossary of Terms.

These documents can be used from now but if providers have already begun documenting a programme using an older template, there is no need to migrate it over to the new template. The older version will be accepted for a generous transition period.

QQI is also continuing to work on its QHub intranet to improve its efficiency for providers uploading applications for validation. The current development project will streamline input of information and documents for programmes embedded in larger programmes. It is intended to finalise this over the summer.

In addition to improving the validation process on an ongoing basis, QQI is also reviewing the current validation policy and criteria and will be issuing a draft for consultation in due course.  All stakeholders can contribute to the development of updated policy and criteria, needed to deliver programmes and qualifications appropriate to the current time.

*Note: The term ‘microcredential’ does not refer to a new QQI award type. It refers to a programme, FET or HET, which leads to a new QQI special purpose award, and usually targeted at new emergent skills needs identified by industry or other demand areas. In validation, QQI seeks to reflect the nature of such a programme by having a proportionately smaller documentation set and, where possible, a SME evaluation process which is desk based. In some cases, the validation period will also be shorter, reflecting the rapidly changing nature of some employment sectors.
