Recognition of Prior Learning

There is increased interest in ways of recognising and valuing learning achieved outside of formal education and training programmes (for example from workplace, life experience and /or voluntary activities).

This process, described nationally as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), can be used for the purpose of

  • access to programmes, or
  • to seek exemptions from parts of programmes or awards
  • and in some cases it can lead directly to certification for partial and full awards.

RPL Practice nationally is at an early stage nationally and can be unevenly available. Preparing for RPL takes time and typically support from a ‘mentor’ through and education and training provider, organisation or Institution.

If you have questions about having your own learning and achievements recognised through an RPL process, it may be useful to talk to your local adult education guidance service or education and training provider. 

You can find more advice, information and resources on the following webpages: 
