Access, transfer and progression

These terms are defined as follows:

  • Access - the process by which learners may commence a programme of education and training having received recognition for knowledge, skill or competence required;
  • Transfer - the process by which learners may transfer from one programme of education and training to another programme having received recognition for knowledge, skill and competence acquired; and
  • Progression - the process by which learners may transfer from one programme of education and training to another programme.

An important function for QQI under the Quality and Qualifications (Education and Training) Act, is to:

  • determine policies and criteria for access, transfer and progression in relation to learners, and
  • monitor the implementation of procedures for access, transfer and progression in relation to learners by providers.

We fulfil this function in collaboration with providers of education and training programmes.

In 2015, a Policy Restatement on the 2003 Access, Transfer and Progression in relation to Learners for Providers of Further and Higher Education and Training was published.

This provides the basis for providers to establish, at local level, their own policies and procedures for ATP.  The policy states that providers are required to give learners clear information on pathways to, from and within programmes, and about awards and qualifications that may be achieved.

Providers' implementation of access, transfer and progression is monitored mainly through programme validation and through review processes for providers' quality assurance arrangements.

In 2023, QQI commissioned a review of ATP practitioners, learners, and researchers across the tertiary landscape that presented key findings and shone a spotlight on some exemplars of practice across the tertiary education and training sector. 

The review can be found here:

From Counting to Cultivating Successful Participation: A Review of the Landscape of Practice Supporting Access Transfer and Progression in Irish Education and Training 2023

The Higher Education Links Scheme is a national system for application to the first year of higher education programmes through the Central Applications Office, based on achievements within linked (Common Award System) level 5 and 6 awards.  

Learners can find out more about how they can use their QQI Award to progress to higher education here.
