STREAM recognition training platform re-opens


​​NARIC Ireland is pleased to confirm that the STREAM online training platform, which provides concise training materials based on the European Recognition Manual for Higher Education Institutions (EAR-HEI manual), is open for a second round of training.​

STREAM training is geared towards admissions officers and credential evaluators working in higher education institutions in the European Higher Education Area and is delivered by Nuffic, the Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education.

Fast, fair and transparent recognition of foreign qualifications and periods of study enhances student mobility in Europe. The European project ‘Streamlining Institutional Recognition: a Training Platform for Admissio​ns Officers’ (or STREAM) aims to remove mobility obstacles through the development of streamlined, region-wide recognition processes and enhanced knowledge of good practice in recognition.

Updated and expanded as part of the Erasmus+ co-funded “Spotlight on recognition” project, the platform doesn’t just offer a range of training materials, but also allows platform members to use the “real cases forum” to post questions on specific cases and ask advice from peers across Europe.

The platform will remain open until 19 August and participation is free of charge.

Register for STREAM here.
